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Introducing FLASH Video Playback

This post was written by admin on March 19, 2009
Posted Under: Updates

Introducing FLASH Video PlaybackWe are introducing new format for playing the video. From now on all the videoa are also available in FLASH format. The main advantage is the size of the video, you can watch still good quality vidoe online without waiting longer time for downloading the video. Just click and watch the video online!
This format is very conveniet for the members with not so fast internet connection as well as for everyone who quickly want to go through the video before downloading it.
All the videos have benn convereted into Flash format so from now on all the videos are available in Straming Flash format, WMV DVD quality and our super high quality HD WMV videos with amazing 1280×720 resolution.
Join now and watch all the videos online! Fast and easy!

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